Monday, October 26, 2009

Ball Brite WINNERS

We would like to thank all of our readers that took the time out of their busy schedules to take the time and tell us how they think a clean golf ball can help improve their game. We could also like to give a very big thank you to everyone at Ball Brite that made this contest possible. For more information about Ball Brite visit

Here is what our winners had to say!

“A clean golf ball is a must! While only certain course conditions allow you to "lift, clean, and play", it's important to have a clean ball throughout play. The dirt/mud, even a blade of grass, will alter the flight of the ball or the roll on the green. Even on a dry day, you should always wipe your balls clean before driving and putting in order to obtain optimum performance.”

Jane B, Colorado

“When I play with a clean golf ball I keep the number of strokes down. When the ball is clean it flies through the air a lot better. It is also better around the greens. “

Ray C, New Jersey

“I have played golf for many years and it was within the last several months I have come to realize something that has knocked anywhere from 3-5 strokes off my score. The better the condition of the ball the better the ball grips the club face. This has cut down on the number of slices I have and reduces the severity of the slice. I have always just wiped the ball with my towel but a ball cleaner. I want one.”

Les S, Florida

“I feel that a clean golf ball can improve my game by keeping my ball flight pure and allowing my approach shots to sit and spin as I desire. As a golfer who never cancels a round due to rain, it is important to have a quick, reliable way to keep my golf balls clean and ready.”

Anson A, Georgia

“A clean ball can help your game in different ways.

B all spin increase
E nhance putting roll
S trike contact better with the club
T rajectory improve.”

Anthony B, Puerto Rico

“Although a clean golf ball radiates a special energy of it own, it is the process of cleaning the ball that has the potential to help improve your game. Golf, like life, offers the situations for the mind to do what it does best: "go and stay in the past or the future." We hold the thought of the missed three-footer or hook in the woods as readily as we imagine on the 10th tee: "I could shoot the round of my life," and then wonder: "how the hell did I get on this bogie carousel? The "Now" or "zone" is thought to be only available to the best in the world. Relief from the stress of the past and the future can be realized by everyone simply by listening to one breath at a time whenever you don't need the mind. A round of golf offers plenty of opportunities for getting in touch with your own energy as you are watching other shots, the time between shots and (I am finally getting to the point!) washing your golf ball. I share an ancient technique for finding the zone in my book, "Peace and Par - Enjoying Golf in the Now".”

Michael S, New Hampshire

“A Clean golf ball is the best kind of golf ball! I just don’t feel right when my golf ball is dirty. It is all mental for me and a clean golf ball gives me the best results for my game.”

Dan L, Florida

“If I don’t have a clean golf ball I never know where it is going to go. Even the slightest amount of debris can cause a golf ball to veer off course and land in a water hazard, sand trap, or even some ones house or car! With a clean ball there is a clean straight flight that I know I can count on.”
Mark T, Kentucky

“Who likes a dirty ball? Seriously…”

Larry R, Florida

“I always keep my clubs, cleats, and golf balls clean because it feels like I am playing with brand new gear every time I am on the golf course. Have you ever played with old gear? It just is not the same.”

Thomas R, Florida

“A clean golf ball can help with optimizing distance, spin, and accuracy because there are so many variables that can bog down your golf game. When you play golf with a clean ball it eliminates some of the variables that can be improved for a lower overall score.”

Dana N, Florida

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