Monday, May 18, 2009

TaylorMade Introduces Rossa Monza Spider Balero

SAN DIEGO, Calif. (May 13, 2009)– TaylorMade Golf has introduced a new addition to its popular line of Rossa® Monza® Spider putters, called the Monza Spider Balero, a large mallet that combines the forgiveness and feel of the Monza Spider with a uniquely shaped head that makes it dramatically easier to aim the clubface correctly.

"We spend a lot of time studying putting and the reasons why most average golfers don't putt as well as tour pros do," said Bill Price, senior director of Rossa. "One in-depth analysis we conducted focused on putts of 14 feet and less. That's a range where pros convert a relatively high percentage of the time, but amateurs don't. Why? One of the reasons is because, according to our data, the amateur aims the putterface poorly 64.4% of the time. Meaning that on two out of every three putts, the player

Monza Spider Balero's head was designed to be extremely easy to aim. Its prominent "ball-in-cup" feature in the back of the head provides a visual cue that makes it incredibly simple to line up the clubface with the intended line.

At address, the image of the ball resting in front of the clubface works in conjunction with the white line on Balero's crown and the round hole through the back to help simplify the act of starting the ball rolling on the exact line you've chosen, especially if you line up the ball's label or side stamp (or if you prefer to draw a line on the ball) with the line across the top of Balero's crown.

Balero's ball-in-cup feature serves another positive function. Looking at it reinforces the image of a ball against the center of the back lip of the cup. That positively reinforces the practice of rolling the ball firmly into the back of the cup on short putts, which promotes a firm, accelerating stroke while discouraging deceleration.

Balero's large head and shape serve another critical purpose, and that's to deliver super-high MOI for the kind of stability and forgiveness on mis-hits that mallet fans covet. And the uni-body (made from a single piece) stainless steel construction, combined with a soft polymer AGSI® insert, contributes to Balero's remarkably soft feel.

An additional advantage to the Balero's shape and design is that it boasts an exceptionally low center of gravity. That low CG works in conjunction with AGSI technology to promote an even smoother, tighter roll of the face. Compared to the Monza Spider, the Balero's CG is a full 15% lower.

"The Rossa Monza Spider Balero's easy-to-aim shape, forgiveness and smooth-rolling AGSI technology makes it a phenomenal putter, and absolutely deadly from short range," said Price. "Plus, it's already been played on the PGA Tour and been used to win an event on the Japan Tour."

Rossa Monza Spider Balero becomes available starting on May 21 at $159.

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